ICCHP 2020 provides an additional scheme for writing, publishing and presenting your work!
AT, eAccessibility and eInclusion are user, practice and service driven domains. Progress and success are very much based on the interaction with, contribution by and participation of all stakeholder groups (e.g. users, end user organizations, service providers, policy, administration, industry, NGOs). Every voice counts in the exchange on the impact of R&D on practice and in domains in need of creative and innovative R&D and co-operation.
To strengthen exchange and co-operation between practice and R&D as a key asset for technical and social innovation, we invite interested authors coming from diverse domains to submit outlines of concept papers, models, reports, ideas, and position papers on topics related to digital inclusion. Accepted contributions will be part of the ICCHP presentation program and the papers will be published in the 1st digital edition of our ICCHP open access compendium “Future Perspectives in AT, eAccessibility and eInclusion”.
Registration to ICCHP by at least one author per contribution is mandatory, check ICCHP website for info!
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